Range Finder Update 15

Pushed out version 2.7 of the Golf Range Finder today.

Updated various things in the code.

Notable Changes:

  • Total Distance will be much more accurate
  • Pressing the Back Button will erase the last placed point
  • GPS position should be more sensitive to movement (Some users were having problems with stuck positions)

GPS Rangefinder Update

Announcing the next update for the Golf Range/Distance Finder App!

Within the next few days, this app will hit 50,000 total downloads!!

I can't express my gratitude or excitement enough in this blog post, but in honor of this momentous occasion, I will be releasing an update to the app.

I have received much feedback since the last update and will integrate that into this update.

Here is the plan:
  • Do a How To and demo video of the app and put that on the app page.
  • Make it so pressing the Back button erases the last placed point
  • Try to get compass integration for map rotation
    • I have tried this before and will try again, but it is tricky
I am considering adding in score tracking, because it is in most of the other popular apps, but I have not had any requests for it, so it will definitely not be in this update.

GPS Range Finder Info

So I will be pushing out an update for the GPS Range Finder later this week. I have recently realized a few things that could be improved as well as a couple bugs.

Here is what will be changing:
-Ability to change the font size. This may be through the system settings or in the app itself, I haven't decided yet.

-Fix the bug where the app will not always place a marker at your location

-Fix so that markers will persist after you close the app, allowing you to better measure shots

I am looking at adding a rotatable map feature as well. I'm not sure if that will make it into this update.

Golf GPS Range Finder Free

Just set up the Google Plus Page for the Golf GPS Range Finder in the Android Market.

My goal is to bring cheap, accurate range finding to every golf lover! There is no longer any need for expensive $500 laser range finders when equally accurate technology is available on your smartphone!

Here's for website verfication: Google+

Golf GPS Rangefinder Free Update 2.5

Released an update for the Range Finder.

Exciting new features in this update:
-Added Action Bar support for Newer versions of Android
-Added ability to place a point on yourself so that you can easily measure the distances between your shots